2014 Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra were personally invited by Alkis Raftis, the director of CID UNESCO, to become part of the association.
2017 Alkis Raftis then traveled to Paris to experience the VIDA show at the Folies Bergére and to meet Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra in person.
The Tony Award is the “Oscar” of the stage and theater world.
Productions on Broadway in particular are honored by the TONY Award.
Luis Pereyra is nominated in:
1986 | Best Choreography
2000 | Best revival of a musical
Various works by Luis Pereyra have been recognized by the Argentine state as “de alto interés cultural” – of high cultural interest – most recently in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019.
Comité de Radiodifusión Nacional, is a regulatory institute set up by the state to guarantee the quality of publications on radio and TV.
In 1993, Nicole Nau receives the COMFER Prize in recognition of her contribution to Argentine culture.
Telefone | + 49 162 6944 721
Email |
Adresse |
Nevigeser Str. 6a
42113 Wuppertal
© Copyright 2015-2025 Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra