What is El Sonido De Mi Tierra

The sound of my earth is a declaration of love to Argentina, its country, its people, its customs.

We, that is Luis Pereyra, Nicole Nau and the members of our company, tell stories on stage, in seminars, workshops, literature, films, travels and our own compositions.

Argentinian culture is the most complete in the world in its musical diversity. It has a rich history. The most diverse cultures can be found in this gigantic country of 24 provinces. There were hundreds of indigenous tribes. These aborigines were decimated by the Spanish. These Spaniards brought with them a variety of music that fell on the fertile soil of our natives. Added to this is the influence of the black slaves from Africa, today’s Afro-Argentines. This cultural mix is unique in the world. Especially this black music, which identifies our rhythms, in tango, milonga, chacarera, gato, escondido, vidala, huayno, etc. Our culture is captivating in its purest form. Tango Argentino cannot be separated from the folklore of Argentina. The common origin is too strong.

Luis Pereyra started his project El Sonido de mi Tierra at the age of 31. Already a recognized dancer of folklore and world star of tango, he now choreographed his own full-length works. He focuses his attention definitively on the essence.

Argentina is more than tango!

A journalist wrote this famous sentence many years ago after seeing one of his works.

It is by no means easy to find repertoire, says Luis Pereyra. He himself has already had a very long career, well over 50 years. He is always toying with putting together a special repertoire. In particular, he works out aspects that appealed to him when he was a young dancer. These are corners, images, stories, sounds, places and scenes that he knows well. He places them on the stage like pillars.

Luis Pereyra has spent years meticulously researching Argentina’s entire musical repertoire. He finds the narrative and connecting passages. Only these elements give the work content. The exciting musical and dance journey through Argentina can begin. Poetry accompanies his works.

Something special is happening here: it is not a fusion or borrowing from other disciplines, but a reconstruction of a forgotten culture. Truths that bubble under the asphalt. They are traces of the ancestors, danced by indigenous people, by blacks, by gauchos and creoles. The result is stirring, genuine, authentic.

In Nicole, Luis has found an outstanding partner, not only in dance but also in staging. Her visual eye is precise and creative.

Together they give seminars. Here they teach the Argentine dances in their genuine popular form. They explain, for example, how the tango came about, what makes it special, explain its rhythmic markings, its origins, the importance of its own language, its lead and footwork. It is Argentine culture in its purest form: full of power and verve, unadulterated and mature. Dancing in this way is creative, free and intense.

Luis Pereyra’s ear is a golden one. His entire body is music and rhythm when he tap dances, accompanied by the boleadoras of the gauchos whirring through the air. His body becomes a rhythmic cadence in the milonga and his feet become notes on the score when he dances the tango.

This golden ear explains to the participants which parts of the music are important for the dancer and which are not. Those who dance themselves realize that the secret lies hidden in this black rhythmic truth. The magic is revealed in the true origin. The cliché has no place here.

Our goals are

Our motivation is to feature the Argentinian parts of our country. Going back to the time when Argentina still belonged to the Argentinians.
Our responsibility is to highlight artists and thinkers such as Atahualpa Yupanqui, Mercedes Sosa, Astor Piazzolla, Santiago Ayala El Chúcaro, Anibal Troilo, Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Sábato, to name but a few. The facets of Argentina are so rich: we never repeat ourselves. We always work out what is original and authentic. We always speak of an overall culture. What belongs together must not be separate. Tango and folklore are brother and sister, different sides of the same culture.
Our task is to convey this culture in its purest form, in poetry, dance and music.
Our aim is to share this culture.
Our aim is to honor culture. An entire people lives on in our rhythms. We want to honor their feelings. The sad, the nostalgic, the joyful, the pain, the happiness of dancing. The love, the doubt, the struggle, the loss, the encounter. Great human emotions are reflected in the sound of my earth. And we are sure that, as always, the audience will give a standing ovation to Argentinian culture.
We penetrate deep into Argentinian culture. And you will encounter the feelings that move the peoples of the world. Real feelings. Lots of peace, joy, liveliness, passion, love. And a lot of brotherhood. This is LIFE, this is VIDA.


Luis Pereyra is hired as a dancer at the age of 10 at the legendary Palo Borracho

Luis Pereyra becomes the soloist in the groundbreaking show Tango Argentino, which triggers a worldwide tango boom.

Claudio Segovia and Héctor Orrezoli take him under contract. He dances there for over 12 years. Later, Luis is also a soloist in Tango Pasión (Europe) and Forever Tango (USA)

In 1996 Luis Pereyra founded El Sonido de mi Tierra. The sound of my earth. He launched his own productions and, for the first time, an artistic cycle in which Argentinean tango artists and Argentinean folklorists shared the stage, as had been the norm until the 1970s. He initially organized this project in the form of a Peña Artística. The Peña is a gathering of the people where everyone can make a contribution. Singing, making music, dancing. Different cultures from different provinces joined forces to shape the evening.

In 1998, Luis Pereyra finally presented his Opera Prima, his first choreographic work for the big stage & theater, at the Avenida Theater. He wrote the play himself, composed parts of the music and took on the choreography and mise en scene.

In 2000, Nicole and Luis met in an opera that Nicole had co-produced for the WMT Festival. Nicole was looking for a dancer and found Luis. This is where Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra began their collaboration. Nicole recognized the extraordinary authenticity in Luis’ work and joined his project.

In 2003 they produced El Sonido de mi Tierra together at the Teatro Empire, Buenos Aires.

For several years they directed the Viejo Almacén and the Café de los Angelitos in Buenos Aires.
Luis Pereyra is known for his excellent direction, choreography and historical repertoire. His in-depth knowledge and high level of skill create tango shows that distance themselves from all clichés and delight visitors and tourists alike, as well as touching the hearts of Argentinians. No other shows have been praised by the press in this way.
The format proved to be very successful. Lui’s works have been intense and interesting. They are presented in Argentina and worldwide.

In 2017, he created his masterpiece: VIDA. VIDA was celebrated with standing ovations every night at the Folies Bergére de Paris. The breakthrough had been achieved! Engagements throughout Europe followed.

Cancel contracts. Write off investments.

Argentina was hit hard. And the authoritarian measures taken by the government were also tough: the airport remained closed, people were not allowed outside. A year of complete lockdown. Luis and Nicole bravely went to the studio in their house every day to train. A dancer’s body cannot stand still. But the feeling was like writing love letters without sending them. No one would see her dance. Read their love for Argentina.

They didn’t know if they could keep their heads above water financially. They also didn’t know if they would ever go on stage again. They were desperate.

They wrote their way through the coronavirus year. They wrote a book together, which is now looking for a publisher. During this writing process, Nicole realized that it was only by working with Luis that her artistic horizons became clearer. She finally looked away from Europe and also away from the Porteños in Buenos Aires and towards the people in the provinces and recognized the truth of Argentina.

2021 VIDA was able to continue after the pandemic. However, this was not so easy, as most theaters were fully booked until 2024 and old contracts had to be processed as a priority.

In 2022 they met WMC Media. Recep Avci loved the VIDA productions and took over the management in 2022.

Intensive rehearsals resulted in a brand new show with new costumes. Television appearances and seminars fill the year.

Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra have been able to hand over their book manuscript to the renowned agency AVA INTERNATIONAL.

This valuable manuscript will be available to read over the next few years.

Luis art are a guide!

for many. Today Tango and folklore equally are freatured in almost all salons, shows and productions together or side by side.