Welcome at the new site of Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra We are delighted to announce the launch of our new program and tour website in 2016 and for Vida 2 in 2017. On this site you will find all information around our current program, the tour dates and lots of background information like e.g. […]
Willkommen bei Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen unsere neue Website für die aktuelle Tour in 2016 und die kommende Vida 2 Tour in 2017 vorstellen zu dürfen. Sie finden auf dieser Site viele Informationen zu dem aktuellen Programm, den Terminen und viele Hintergrundinformationen, wie z.B. die wundervollen Liedertexte.
Welcome at the new site of Nicole Nau & Luis Pereyra We are delighted to announce the launch of our new program and tour website in 2016 and for Vida 2 in 2017. On this site you will find all information around our current program, the tour dates and lots of background information like e.g. […]